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graph definition problem

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 7:33 am
by zedodo
I am on OS X, latest version, using Safari

When I try to create a new chart, it seems that a carriage-return is added where the line goes to the next line, because it is larger than the screen.
Then created chart returns an error...

Thanks fo the nice iPhone comptatible charting engine !

Re: graph definition problem

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 6:16 am
by zedodo
The problem occurs when you paste graph definition into the box.
Easy to reproduce on safari/osx (I did not test this on windows):
Copy a graphe definition into another editor, make one change, and copy/paste to the define chart windows.
All lines larger than the box, will get a carriage return, which cause problem...
Let me know if you can't reproduce this..