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Re: TL-MR3020 crashed: Cannot allocate memory

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:02 am
by ironedge
It may be used rarely - at the moment - but it's a very powerful feature. And I'm not the only one any more. Since I posted my approach for sunshine duration calculations in the forum, several people contacted me and informed me that they also implemented it :)

For me this is a very important feature I wouldn't want to miss. Acutally, I would even have ideas to enhance it, but let's leave that to a different moment ;)

Ok, many thanks for your offer to support it, much appreciated! I'll try to find a way to provide you access to my TL-MR3020 and will let you know via PM when available.

Re: TL-MR3020 crashed: Cannot allocate memory

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:50 pm
by ironedge
Sorry I could not provide you with access to my TL-MR3020 yet, pretty busy times.

Meanwhile I had another crash on 1st June, same issue as it seems:
logger (03.06.2015 17:44:32): error processing "awk '{c=$3;lg=7.8;lt=47.45;d=0.0174533;j=strftime("%j");st=strftime("%H")+1;mi=strftime("%M");}{x=-23.45*cos(d*360*(j+10)/365);z=60*(-0.171*sin(0.0337*j+0.465)-0.1299*sin(0.01787*j-0.168));w=15*(st+mi/60-(15-lg)/15-12+z/60);s=sin(d*lt)*sin(d*x)+cos(d*lt)*cos(d*x)*cos(d*w);s2=atan2(s,sqrt(1-s^2))/d;m=1368*sin(s2*d);a=(1-sin(s2*d))*0.3*m;g=(m-a)*0.4;if (st<8) g=g*1-3;if (st>14) g=g*1+21;o=0;if ((c>g)&&(g>15)) o=100;printf"%d",o}'": : Cannot allocate memory

Does anybody know a method to monitor the availability of the Meteoplug Client Service? I didn't notice the issue for 2 days and lost 2 days of data now. If I could get an email from a monitoring System or so I could at least react very quickly, as a mitigation measure, until the root cause has been fixed.

Re: TL-MR3020 crashed: Cannot allocate memory

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:08 am
by ironedge
Hi Boris,

Thanks again for your ongoing support. I sent you another PM today with the latest status of the "loggerd" process.

The "loggerd" process is, as you assumed, constantly growing. It seems to be a matter of time until loggerd eats up all memory and causes the memory allocation failure. Given the current growth rate, I assume in around 2-3 weeks it will crash again. I'll reboot the Meteoplug client myself at a good time bevor this happens, so I will not experience any data loss this time.

If you need to get additional information from my client before I reboot please let me know.
Please also let me know if you still require remote access to my Meteoplug client.

It would be much appreciated if you could find a measure to prevent the "loggerd" process to grow in future.

Thank you very much!

Re: TL-MR3020 crashed: Cannot allocate memory

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:01 am
by ironedge
Hi Boris,

I sent you another PM with the latest status. Loggerd is growing, memory is going low now. I rebooted the client manually this morning to prevent another crash with data loss.
Now the Meteoplug client is running: FW-Version: 1.1, SW-Version: 2.5 (Build 6431)

Re: TL-MR3020 crashed: Cannot allocate memory

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:11 pm
by ironedge
Any news regarding potential bug fixing?