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Area under a curve

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:07 pm
by gibsonmb
Ok, for the mathmatically clever people. In the following graph ... 021f09030e I think that the area under the daily curve could provide KwH if only I knew how to do that. Somewhere in the back of my mind words like 'integration' and differentiation lurk. Is there a way I can use my data that is called to draw these daily graphs to give a figure for KWh for the day?

Re: Area under a curve

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:54 pm
by skyewright
gibsonmb wrote:Is there a way I can use my data that is called to draw these daily graphs to give a figure for KWh for the day?
Is it too simplistic to suggest making use of the day1 value?

The day1 val would give the average value for the day in watts per m2. Multiply that by 24 and you have the Wh for the whole day?

My CC128 measures watts.

I have a chart definition that produces a table giving power daily consumption using the above concept.

The row in the table that relates to "today" is of course wrong and it is only a partial day, but that is easily ignored.

This works for me. Maybe it might work for you too?

Code: Select all


gtitle=Electricity        # name of graph
gheight=400       # height in pixels of graph
gwidth=550         # width in pixels of graph
gtype=table                    # type of graph
#grunit=%F # Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d

sid0=data16 sname0=Stg ssel0=val sfactor0=0.024 sprec0=2
sid1=data17 sname1=Water ssel1=val sfactor1=0.024 sprec1=2
sid2=data18 sname2=24Hr ssel2=val sfactor2=0.024 sprec2=2
sid3=data11 sname3=Dom ssel3=val sfactor3=0.024 sprec3=2