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Display all time months extrem values in a table

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:30 pm
by lubuwetter
Hi everybody,

is it possible to display the all time extreme values month by month in a table with meteoplug?

I want to have sth .like this.

Code: Select all

         Max Temp          Min temp       Niederschlag Max     Niederschlag MIn
Januar   15,4 08.01.2008 -11,2 22.01.2011 14mm 2009         68mm 2006
Is it possible? If yes how can I do this?

thx for your answers


Re: Display all time months extrem values in a table

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:13 am
by admin
There are tables examples in the "gallery" of the wiki that highlight min/max values.
That should work for you as well. May be you need to select the time resolution accordingly.

Re: Display all time months extrem values in a table

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:53 am
by lubuwetter
Yes i know these examples.
But in all these examples it's only possible to show extreme values of one month, one year or alltime.
So I can make tables for a month, for a year or for alltime.

But what I want to show is alltime Max Temp of January alltime Min Temp of January and so on
The same for all the other months.
And I think this is not possible at the moment because the necessary variables/cumulations don't exist?
Isn't it possible to extract them from the meteoplug database?



Re: Display all time months extrem values in a table

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:03 pm
by sajjad123
Yes i know these examples.
But in all these examples it's only possible to show extreme values of one month, one year or alltime.
So I can make tables for a month, for a year or for alltime.