meteobridge/meteoplug monthly rain totals differ

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meteobridge/meteoplug monthly rain totals differ

Post by hymrog » Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:14 pm

Hello -

I have been using meteoplug for a couple months now to create graphs and tables for my weather webpage. But I noticed that there is a difference in what my meteobridge is reporting for total rainfall as compared to the data meteoplug is providing. On my weather webpage i am reporting the following $WX['rain0total-mmax'] = '2.31' and my meteoplug data is showing 2.37 inches.

Wondering what I can do to correct/sync the data.

Edit: I failed to mention that meteoplug data matches my weather station data but does not match the meteobridge data.

Edit: I made a manual correction to match my station and meteobridge. The error seems to be with meteobridge device. The difference between what meteobridge recorded and my station and meteoplug was .10 which matches the rain days this month 10. So it appears that meteobridge is not recording the first .01 inch of rain.



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