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Meteoplug goes JavaScript

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:40 pm
by admin
As flash is something like a dying route I decided to purchase a SaaS license of the javascript charts from Hopefully, this will make presentation of meteoplug charts easier on mobile devices that do not support flash.

To make things as easy for you as possible I did not invent new commands to let you build javascript charts, but I simply added a "engine" command that allows to take "flash" (default), "javasrcipt" and "gnuplot" as parameter. Therefore, a chart definition can make use of these engines. All you have to do is to add a line "engine=javascript" to your chart definitions and you have a quite similar looking javascript chart as output. When calling a chart by its URL simply add "&engine=javascript" to the URL and you old flash chart definition will be rendered via JavaScript. Colormaps and Weibull charts are not supported in Javascript so far, but I think these are not used very widely.

I also did a slight change to the dashboard, now listed als "_dashboard" in your list of predefined charts. This chart definition can now also be called with "&engine=javascript" extension which results in presenting the embedded charts via javascript.

I am sure you will find hickups here and there, which I will hopefully be able to solve over time.

Example: ... javascript

Re: Meteoplug goes JavaScript

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:42 am
by marco
Hei vielen Dank für die implementation
coole Sache.. wirklich..!


Re: Meteoplug goes JavaScript

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:04 pm
by gpfoto

That's perfect!


Re: Meteoplug goes JavaScript

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:38 pm
by skyewright
Very nice.
Thank you Boris.

PS. It seems to ignore
but it does wrap the 'top' key well, so that's okay. :D