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actual_thb0_fc_text param

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:06 pm
by mike

among the parameters that I receive from meteoplug, I found this: actual_thb0_fc_text, it contains a text description of the current forecast like "Increasing_clouds_with_little_temperature_change._Precipitation_possible_within_24_to_48_hours." or "Mostly_cloudy_and_cooler._Precipitation_possible_within_12_hours,_possibly_heavy_at_times._Windy."; etc. I think to use this data to display customized icons of current weather, but I haven't information of the possible values of this actual_thb0_fc_text parameter. Can anyone tell how this value is calculated on meteoplug and which possible values ​​it may contain?

Thanks for any advice.

Re: actual_thb0_fc_text param

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:39 pm
by admin
This are Davis Vantage spefic forecast messages.

Re: actual_thb0_fc_text param

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:07 pm
by mike
Thanks for the reply! I did some research, but unfortunately did not find the necessary documentation that interests me...
1) As far as I understand, this param contains forecast, not the current weather?
2) If it is forecast, how often it updated and for how long it is valid?
3) Can I find somewhere a list of all possible values ​​of this parameter?

I would appreciate if someone can help me with these questions

Re: actual_thb0_fc_text param

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:31 pm
by admin
ad 1) yes, forecast
ad 2) about once a minute it is received from the console
ad 3) may be somewhere in the intenet...

Re: actual_thb0_fc_text param

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 6:51 am
by mike
Thanks for the help

Re: actual_thb0_fc_text param

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:05 pm
by Haider05
Can anyone tell how this value is calculated on meteoplug and which possible values ​​it may contain?????

Re: actual_thb0_fc_text param

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:53 pm
by admin
Depends on your station. Which station do you have connected?

Re: actual_thb0_fc_text param

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:38 am
by Wvdkuil
I am confused to say the least.

I try to understand the Meteoplug / template / Sensor IDs and Values

As far as I can find there is no actual_thb0_fc_text in Meteoplug. That text is the tag for Meteohub.

All i can find in Meteolplug is:
[actual_min5_thb0_forecast] => 2.0
[actual_min5_thb0_forecasttext] => Half Cloudy
The last one seems not to be a Davis forecast text either. More like a "current condition" text of some sort.

I am using Meteohub for uploading to Meteoplug with Station 0 (Vantage via USB serial /dev/ttyMH21): altitude 42m

Can soemone please tell me how to get the Davis text forecast or even a Davis forecast rule number?

Thanks Wim