My Meteohub memory is nearly full I need to consider my options.
1 Install larger 8GB memory card
2 Delete old data
3 Change to Bifferboard and stop using Meteohub
4 Wait a while and see is Rapberry Pi can be used as a client
I have a few questions.
if my momory cards fill up what happens to meteohub ? Does it stop working? Will it keep uploading data to Meteoplug?
If I delete my old data will the data on meteoplug be safe and will meteohub upload the new data as normal so Meteoplug has all my data?
If I shut down my Meteoplug and use a Bifferboard will it load the new data into my Metoplug account with no loss of data?
At the moment I am in favour of getting a Bifferboard.
Another option is a Raspberry Pi client. I have a model B built in an Oak case and this would look nice on display. Will Meteoplug support Raspberry Pi in the future?

Raspberry Pi in Oak Case by Brett Oliver, on Flickr