Fonera 2.0G/N
Fonera 2.0G/N
I hope a meteohub client or meteoplug client will be made available as a "plugin" for fonera 2.0g/n (and soon SIMPL/USB)
and not require a "meteohub firmware"?
your code should only be compiled to mips (G) /mipsel (N)...
the 2.0G is cheaper than a bifferboard (34,90 euro instead of 35 pound)
and can connect to another wifi network wirelessly (internet settings -> wireless ); no need to have ethernet cabling to your weatherstation
no flashing or linux experience needed ... everybody can "upload" a meteoplug.tar.gz to it's fonera 2.0g/n and it will add a meteoplug "luci" gui and run the meteoplug mips/mipsel binaries
and the rest of the 400mhz of their Fonera device can be used to monitor their usb sunnybeam solar collector, webcam, music streaming speakers, ...
I hope a meteohub client or meteoplug client will be made available as a "plugin" for fonera 2.0g/n (and soon SIMPL/USB)
and not require a "meteohub firmware"?
your code should only be compiled to mips (G) /mipsel (N)...
the 2.0G is cheaper than a bifferboard (34,90 euro instead of 35 pound)
and can connect to another wifi network wirelessly (internet settings -> wireless ); no need to have ethernet cabling to your weatherstation
no flashing or linux experience needed ... everybody can "upload" a meteoplug.tar.gz to it's fonera 2.0g/n and it will add a meteoplug "luci" gui and run the meteoplug mips/mipsel binaries
and the rest of the 400mhz of their Fonera device can be used to monitor their usb sunnybeam solar collector, webcam, music streaming speakers, ...
Re: Fonera 2.0G/N
I have a Fonera 2.0g here. I thought bringing that to a regular openwrt and/or ddwrt should be easy, but all these redboot matters are very complicated. I am concerned that I will not be able to write down a bullet proof recipe how make changes to a fonera to finally have Meteoplug on this devices. even when I master all that obstacles myself. I fear this all will take some time, as a also have to setup a compilation toolchain to make a meteoplug build for mips.
But there are other routers that can directly take a ddwrt image to be installed vai web interface (asus family). I guess, that will be much more customer friendly than fiddling around with reboot (which needs to be enabled by some risky mdt commands on an to be installed fon developer firmware).
When you have a good pointer for me, that explains how to build installable addons for fonera, that might be worth a second look. As I will need additional kernel modules I also need a toolchain for kernel compilation. This also looks to be another adventure... material available is inferior compared to NSLU2, where I also did all this.
Fon 2.0g also suffers from 3G instability. It keeps locking up after a couple of hours (monkey fw). I will try with elk fw, hope that so it at least can be used as a cheap, low-power 3G router.
But there are other routers that can directly take a ddwrt image to be installed vai web interface (asus family). I guess, that will be much more customer friendly than fiddling around with reboot (which needs to be enabled by some risky mdt commands on an to be installed fon developer firmware).
When you have a good pointer for me, that explains how to build installable addons for fonera, that might be worth a second look. As I will need additional kernel modules I also need a toolchain for kernel compilation. This also looks to be another adventure... material available is inferior compared to NSLU2, where I also did all this.
Fon 2.0g also suffers from 3G instability. It keeps locking up after a couple of hours (monkey fw). I will try with elk fw, hope that so it at least can be used as a cheap, low-power 3G router.
Re: Fonera 2.0G/N
All the info you request can be found here since 2008 I believe?
you just copy your "meteoplug" or "meteohub" (or both) to the \fon-ng\openwrt\package\meteoplug folder
check out if this works where name is "meteoplug" or "meteohub"
make package/name/{clean,compile,install} V=99 DEVELOPER=1
with "make menuconfig" you can choose "fonera 2.0g" or "fonera 2.0n" as a destination... one will compile the package for mipsel (atheros) the other for mips (ralink)
if you can compile the "deamon"-tool of your software I could test it on one of my Usb weatherstations you said would be
compatible a few years ago...
Elk seems to be a old...but I believe it to be the best of the 3G builds yet? once you establish 3G connection it should be stable... no idea why it's not where you are... are you sure it's not something else?
btw the current firmware name is "rudolphe II" now...
This "bifferboard" seems to be more expensive
you just copy your "meteoplug" or "meteohub" (or both) to the \fon-ng\openwrt\package\meteoplug folder
check out if this works where name is "meteoplug" or "meteohub"
make package/name/{clean,compile,install} V=99 DEVELOPER=1
with "make menuconfig" you can choose "fonera 2.0g" or "fonera 2.0n" as a destination... one will compile the package for mipsel (atheros) the other for mips (ralink)
if you can compile the "deamon"-tool of your software I could test it on one of my Usb weatherstations you said would be
compatible a few years ago...
Elk seems to be a old...but I believe it to be the best of the 3G builds yet? once you establish 3G connection it should be stable... no idea why it's not where you are... are you sure it's not something else?
btw the current firmware name is "rudolphe II" now...
This "bifferboard" seems to be more expensive
Re: Fonera 2.0G/N
I haven't found a ready to install image of rudolphe for 2.0g. Do you have a link for me?
Re: Fonera 2.0G/N
First two links are rather outdated (Flipper and Elk), not Rudolphe.
Last link is for 2.0n only.
As 2.0g seems to be not that well supported anymore I ordered a 2.0n unit. I will see if that can be opened up for Meteoplug. Do you have contact to people really developing add-on packaged for 2.0n? There is nearly no information online, how to build installable packages and a build-environment to make kernel modules does also seem to be quite a secret. As hacking routers is not my primary mission I have to balance time to be invested into this with other tasks to do.
Last link is for 2.0n only.
As 2.0g seems to be not that well supported anymore I ordered a 2.0n unit. I will see if that can be opened up for Meteoplug. Do you have contact to people really developing add-on packaged for 2.0n? There is nearly no information online, how to build installable packages and a build-environment to make kernel modules does also seem to be quite a secret. As hacking routers is not my primary mission I have to balance time to be invested into this with other tasks to do.

Re: Fonera 2.0G/N
The Fonera 2.0g has had 2 years of development in the firmware;
The Fonera 2.0n has been introduced in september and work was done to get wifi-n better functional in the most recent firmware release. The 2.0g has no wifi-n
If you follow you will have an SDK to produce a binary openwrt firmware that supports a fonera 2.0g (mips) or Fonera 2.0n (mipsel) hardware including your product... You could also just compile your meteoplug package and offer the mips and mipsel version so people can just install it as an extra like they can with the printer, music, webcam plugin.
copy your "meteoplug" to the /fon-ng/openwrt/package/meteoplug folder;
and try a "make package/meteoplug/{clean,compile,install} V=99 DEVELOPER=1"
normally such a folder constists of a "makefile" and a "files" subfolder which contains your product
after compilation it should have created a mips/mipsel version in /bin/packages/mips|mipsel depending on the chosen destination with "make menuconfig" (fonera 2.0g/fonera 2.0n)
imho the work is into getting your sourcecode to compile on "openwrt" ... but that should have been the case allready?
next step would be to change the "opkg" into a "luci" plugin
This is explained here :
the opkg is back "uncompressed" and only the "data" part is kept... then an "upgrade" file is added where you mention the name of the plugin, the author, the version... and it will install your "data" part on -C / of the openwrt device...
you can subscribe on the "developer mailinglist" here :
The Fonera 2.0n has been introduced in september and work was done to get wifi-n better functional in the most recent firmware release. The 2.0g has no wifi-n
If you follow you will have an SDK to produce a binary openwrt firmware that supports a fonera 2.0g (mips) or Fonera 2.0n (mipsel) hardware including your product... You could also just compile your meteoplug package and offer the mips and mipsel version so people can just install it as an extra like they can with the printer, music, webcam plugin.
copy your "meteoplug" to the /fon-ng/openwrt/package/meteoplug folder;
and try a "make package/meteoplug/{clean,compile,install} V=99 DEVELOPER=1"
normally such a folder constists of a "makefile" and a "files" subfolder which contains your product
after compilation it should have created a mips/mipsel version in /bin/packages/mips|mipsel depending on the chosen destination with "make menuconfig" (fonera 2.0g/fonera 2.0n)
imho the work is into getting your sourcecode to compile on "openwrt" ... but that should have been the case allready?
next step would be to change the "opkg" into a "luci" plugin
This is explained here :
the opkg is back "uncompressed" and only the "data" part is kept... then an "upgrade" file is added where you mention the name of the plugin, the author, the version... and it will install your "data" part on -C / of the openwrt device...
you can subscribe on the "developer mailinglist" here :
Re: Fonera 2.0G/N
Meteoplug looks quite nice!
You can checkout to cross compile your code for the Fonera 2.0n/g
The firmware is OpenWrt based, so it works the same way to build kernel modules. A good documentation repository is available there: explains how to make installable packages for the Fonera.
I also suggest that you join our devellopment mailing list:
Inouk (from
You can checkout to cross compile your code for the Fonera 2.0n/g
The firmware is OpenWrt based, so it works the same way to build kernel modules. A good documentation repository is available there: explains how to make installable packages for the Fonera.
I also suggest that you join our devellopment mailing list:
Inouk (from
Re: Fonera 2.0G/N
First two links are rather outdated (Flipper and Elk), not Rudolphe.
Last link is for 2.0n only.
As 2.0g seems to be not that well supported anymore I ordered a 2.0n unit. I will see if that can be opened up for Meteoplug. Do you have contact to people really developing add-on packaged for 2.0n? There is nearly no information online, how to build installable packages and a build-environment to make kernel modules does also seem to be quite a secret. As hacking routers is not my primary mission I have to balance time to be invested into this with other tasks to do.
Thanks for sharing this topic.
Last link is for 2.0n only.
As 2.0g seems to be not that well supported anymore I ordered a 2.0n unit. I will see if that can be opened up for Meteoplug. Do you have contact to people really developing add-on packaged for 2.0n? There is nearly no information online, how to build installable packages and a build-environment to make kernel modules does also seem to be quite a secret. As hacking routers is not my primary mission I have to balance time to be invested into this with other tasks to do.
Thanks for sharing this topic.