Yesterday evening (around 23:00h CET) I imported a file with some hundreds lines of sensor data on meteoplug. The Import finished very shortly (less than a minute) as expected. Some minutes later I imported another file with even fewer lines of data. Since then, MeteoPlug shows in green the line "Aktuell läuft ein Datenaktualisierungsauftrag" and it still shows it at this time. I guess something went wrong because that Import should also take only less than one minute?
Some minutes ago I pressed the "10 Tage Neuberechnen" button, just to see whether there's really something in the queue or not. Now Meteoplug shows in green:
"Eigene Datenaktualisierungsaufträge in der Warteschlange: 1
Aktuell läuft ein Datenaktualisierungsauftrag"
Not sure if there is server / DB maintenance going on that may be the actual "Datenaktualisierungsauftrag" but I couldn't find any maintenance notice (or looked at the wrong location).
My station name: zunzgen
Aktuell läuft ein Datenaktualisierungsauftrag
Re: Aktuell läuft ein Datenaktualisierungsauftrag
Since a few weeks there are periodically recomputation requests for whole data collections
triggered by some users. These seem to be triggered automatically. I will dig deeper to
understand who and why is doing this. As a result other users have to wait until such a
heavy weight recomputation is done.
Let my first analyze this.
triggered by some users. These seem to be triggered automatically. I will dig deeper to
understand who and why is doing this. As a result other users have to wait until such a
heavy weight recomputation is done.
Let my first analyze this.
Re: Aktuell läuft ein Datenaktualisierungsauftrag
Ok, thanks for the quick feedback. No Problem at all, then I understand that it's not specific to my account.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:34 am
Re: Aktuell läuft ein Datenaktualisierungsauftrag
Thanks for this discussion, helped also me!