I want to customize the great meteoplug map a little bit (for example translate the sensor names in german etc.)
Basically everything works fine. But the map needs much longer to load then the example map from the meteoplug page (http://www.meteoplug.com/cgi-bin/meteoc ... 01&zoom=13)
This map from meteoplug page needs about 7-14sec. My own created map (http://www.meteoplug.com/cgi-bin/meteoc ... deddc5d3c9) needs minimum about 20sec.
Sometimes it seems to have problems to connect with meteoplug and needs 1 or 2 minutes until the map is loaded!
Where could be the problem?
This is the code of my map
Code: Select all
gtitle=Maps # name of graph
gheight=600 # height in pixels of graph
gwidth=768 # width in pixels of graph
gtype=map # type of graph
sid0=th* sunit0=_°C sname0=Temperatur ssel0=[actual_min5_th0_temp_1:--]
sid1=th* sunit1=_% sname1=Rel.Feuchte ssel1=[actual_min5_th0_hum_0:--]
sid2=thb* sunit2=_hPa sname2=Luftdruck ssel2=[actual_min5_thb0_seapress_1:--]
sid3=wind* sunit3=_km/h sname3=Mittelwind_5min ssel3=[actual_min5_wind0_wind_1_3.6:--]
sid4=rain* sunit4=_km/h sname4=Spitzenböe_Tag ssel4=[1D_day1_wind0_gustmax_1_3.6:--]
sid5=rain* sunit5=_km/h sname5=Spitzenböe_Monat ssel5=[1M_month1_wind0_gustmax_1_3.6:--]
sid6=rain* sunit6=_km/h sname6=Spitzenböe_Tag ssel6=[1Y_year1_wind0_gustmax_1_3.6:--]
sid7=rain* sunit7=_mm sname7=Niederschlag_Tag ssel7=[1D_day1_rain0_total_1:--]
sid8=rain* sunit8=_mm sname8=Niederschlag_Monat ssel8=[1M_month1_rain0_total_1:--]
sid9=rain* sunit9=_mm sname9=Niederschlag_Jahr ssel9=[1Y_year1_rain0_total_1:--]
sid10=th* sunit10=_°C sname10=Temp._Max_Monat ssel10=[1M_month1_th0_tempmax_1:--]
sid11=th* sunit11=_°C sname11=Temp.Min_Monat ssel11=[1M_month1_th0_tempmin_1:--]
sid12=th* sunit12=_°C sname12=Temp._Max_Jahr ssel12=[1Y_year1_th0_tempmax_1:--]
sid13=th* sunit13=_°C sname13=Temp._Min_Jahr ssel13=[1Y_year1_th0_tempmin_1:--]
And one more question. Is there a possiblity to look at the API of the map?
I'm working in geoinformatics and I think it should be possibly to make the map faster.
thx for your help.